How to Handle Conflicts in Pull Requests Like a Pro

In the world of collaborative software development, pull requests (PRs) are essential for integrating code changes while maintaining quality and consistency. However, conflicts in pull requests are inevitable, especially when multiple developers are working on the same codebase. Handling these conflicts efficiently is crucial to ensuring a smooth development process. In this blog post, we'll explore how to manage pull request conflicts like a pro, minimizing disruptions and maintaining a high standard of code quality.

Understanding Pull Request Conflicts

A pull request conflict occurs when changes in one branch cannot be automatically merged with the target branch due to overlapping modifications in the code. These conflicts can arise from several scenarios, such as:

  • Simultaneous Changes: Two or more developers make changes to the same file or line of code.
  • Outdated Branches: A branch becomes outdated because the target branch has been updated with new commits.
  • Divergent Histories: The branches have diverged significantly, leading to complex merge conflicts.

While conflicts are a natural part of the development process, how you handle them can make all the difference in maintaining project momentum and avoiding unnecessary delays.

Step 1: Stay Updated with the Target Branch

One of the most effective ways to minimize conflicts is to regularly sync your branch with the target branch. Before creating a pull request, ensure that your branch is up-to-date by merging or rebasing the latest changes from the target branch. This reduces the likelihood of encountering conflicts later in the process

Alternatively, you can use rebasing to keep a cleaner commit history:

Step 2: Review and Understand the Conflict

When a conflict occurs, Git will mark the conflicting files with conflict markers, showing you the differing changes between the branches. It’s essential to carefully review the conflicting sections to understand the root cause of the conflict.

In your code editor or command line, you'll see conflict markers like this:

Take your time to understand what each side of the conflict represents and how they fit into the overall codebase. This step is crucial to resolving the conflict in a way that preserves the integrity of the code.

Step 3: Resolve the Conflict

Resolving conflicts involves deciding which changes to keep, modify, or discard. Depending on the situation, you may:

  • Choose one side: If one set of changes is clearly preferable, you can keep that version.
  • Combine changes: Sometimes, the best solution is to manually merge the conflicting changes, integrating elements from both sides.
  • Rework the code: In some cases, you might need to rewrite the conflicting code to accommodate both sets of changes or to implement a new solution.

After resolving the conflicts, remove the conflict markers and test the code to ensure it works as expected.

Step 4: Commit the Resolved Changes

Once you've resolved the conflicts and tested the code, commit the changes. If you used rebasing to resolve the conflicts, you might need to continue the rebase process

Step 5: Push the Changes and Update the Pull Request

After committing the resolved changes, push your branch to the remote repository.


This will update the pull request with the conflict resolution, and your team can proceed with the code review and merging process.

Step 6: Communicate with Your Team

Handling conflicts isn't just about resolving code issues—it's also about maintaining clear communication with your team. Let your team members know about the conflict and how you resolved it. If the resolution required significant changes, explain your approach and rationale. This transparency helps maintain trust and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Pro Tips for Handling Conflicts

  1. Practice Conflict Resolution Regularly: The more you practice resolving conflicts, the more proficient you'll become. Don't shy away from conflicts—see them as opportunities to improve your skills.
  2. Use Conflict-Resolution Tools: Many modern code editors and IDEs offer built-in tools for resolving conflicts visually, making it easier to understand and resolve complex conflicts.
  3. Automate Conflict Detection: Integrate automated tools to detect conflicts early in the CI/CD pipeline, allowing you to address them before they become major issues.
  4. Learn from Each Conflict: After resolving a conflict, take a moment to reflect on what caused it and how it could be avoided in the future. Continuous improvement is key to becoming a pro at handling pull request conflicts.


Conflicts in pull requests are a natural part of collaborative development, but they don’t have to be a source of frustration. By staying proactive, understanding the root causes, and following best practices for conflict resolution, you can handle pull requests like a pro, ensuring a smooth and efficient development process. Remember, the key to mastering pull request conflicts lies in continuous learning, clear communication, and a methodical approach to conflict resolution. Happy coding!